Examples of Vibha's speaking engagements

Happiness & Gratitude and Mental Well-being, attended by 80+ students.

Gratitude, Happiness and Well-being, attended by 200+ students & faculty.

Nourish your whole being for success, attended by 350+ students & faculty.

Gratitude for Holistic Well-being, attended by 170 students.

Work-life balance & Well-being, attended by 220 Cost Accountants.

Art & Science of Gratitude, attended by 40 Principals, Managers & Founders. 

Positive attitude through gratitude, attended by 35 students.

Opportunities for a better world, attended by 20 leaders.

Online session as part of the PSM conference of doctors.

Self-care: Pauses to Feel Calm, online session for 60 school principals & teachers. 

Contemplative practice on gratitude, online for 100+ participants. 

Passion for peace, happiness and gratitude – online attended by 40+ participants from Europe.   

Connect & we will customise one hour ‘talk’ for your audience. You may write at vibha@vibhaspace.net  or call +91 9910990809 or send the form below.  Please fill up this simple form by clicking here.